About Us
We, the Civil Aid Voluntary Rescue Association (CAVRA), are a voluntary resilience organisation operating within the United Kingdom, across the England and Wales area . We are a registered charity (no. 1194929), and our purpose is to provide back-up personnel to the emergency services and local authorities in a range of situations.
We also available to provide support at public events and during times of adverse weather conditions, natural disaster or civil emergency.
Mission and Objectives
Our mission and objectives are:
Providing trained volunteers to respond to major incidents, natural disasters, or emergencies in the community as and when requested to do so by category 1 responders (under the civil contingencies act), local / central government departments, through international requests or via the voluntary and community sector's emergency partnership (VCSEP).
By providing training and real time experience of community resilience to the younger generation.
By providing an organisation to support communities in emergencies through volunteers.
By providing a multi disciplined skilled organisation to support emergency services and communities during emergencies.
By providing assistance to the community and the authorities for Civil Defence purposes